Kaneb Center New TA Orientation: Day 2


Location: DeBartolo Hall

The Kaneb Center for Teaching and Learning TA Orientation: Preparing to TA at Notre Dame will take place on Thursday, August 22 (1:00PM-4:15PM) and Friday, August 23 (8:30AM-noon) in DeBartolo Hall.

This TA orientation is designed for graduate student teaching assistants and graduate student instructors of record who are interested in learning more about how to be successful in their first encounters in the Notre Dame classroom. Session topics include:

  • Approaching the First Day of Class and Setting the Tone for the Semester
  • Navigating Difficult Classroom Situations
  • Leading Effective Discussions
  • Succeeding as a TA in Lab and Tutorial Settings
  • Grading Student Work
  • Strategies & Techniques for International Teaching Assistants

The Kaneb Center TA Orientation is an ideal opportunity to gain teaching skills, make connections with other teaching assistants, and identify resources to assist you in your teaching responsibilities.

A detailed agenda has been posted on the Kaneb Center website. Contact kaneb@nd.edu for registration information.

Originally published at graduateschool.nd.edu.