Lecture: 'Dante and Shakespeare: Comedy and Theology


Location: Hesburgh Library, Special Collections

Robin Kirkpatrick, Professor of Italian and English Literatures at the University of Cambridge

(8-10, Philbin Studio Theatre, DPAC), will be coordinating
‘Facing Discovery…’, a Dante-and-Shakespeare-inspired performance event.

The events are jointly being coordinated by the Dante and the Shakespeare programs. All this will be properly advertised soon.

During his stay, Robin will also be involved in other activities. He’ll lead with James Simpson (visiting ND from Harvard) a joint Religion and Literature discussion with graduate students on the Monday, and visit both Dante and Shakespeare classes on the Tuesday and the Wednesday. In addition to this, on the Thursday, we will be organizing a translation workshop for students with Robin, who recently translated Dante’s Commedia for Penguin.

Originally published at nanovic.nd.edu.