Madness Week: Gentlemen's Day


Location: Morrissey Manor

All Day - Dress to Impress Show up other, less classier Notre Dame men by pulling out the tie-ups, your pinstripe suit, and that Re-gis Philbin tie and celebrate "Dress to Impress" day. The Manorite spotted wearing the classiest apparel will be awarded a Chipotle gift certificates.
Dinner at SDH (Details to be announced)
10:30 PM NOCHE DEL MANOR—IN THE MANOR TOWER Okay, so the Oom-Pah Band has headed to Shady Rest Home. No worries. We’ll merely exchange Ger-mania for Hispania. Come up to the Manor Tower and experience the sights, sounds, and tastes of a Spanish Oktoberfest. We’ll throw in a jalapeno pepper eating contest to boot.